
Every Saturday, the luxury magazine Sabato silently enters the private lives of a hard-to-reach target group of busy professionals.

Sabato: Feel Connected – Inspired – Privileged

Sabato, the lifestyle magazine of the business newspapers, focuses on luxury with a story. Editorial top content on fashion, travel, interior & design, cars, watches & gastronomy ensures that Sabato remains the reference for its loyal readers. They see Sabato as a unique magazine that stands for quality, elegance and exclusivity.

Every weekend, Sabato silently enters the private lives of a hard-to-reach target group of busy professionals. Sabato is available in print and online at The ‘Sabato Select’ newsletter is an inspiring weekly mailshot.

Specials & oblong

In addition to the editorial specials, Sabato also tackles a number of set topics every year. Each issue features exclusive content and a unique layout, and it comes as a bookshelf edition.

  • Knokke Special (June): kick-off of the summer.
  • Sabato Summer (July & August): available throughout the summer, also for non-subscribers.
  • Sabato Luxe (November): stylishly puts readers in a festive mood in the autumn.
  • ‘The 100’: the Sabato editions dedicated to one specific topic shine the spotlight on the 100 must-dos and must-sees in that luxury segment.

Four specials are published annually exclusively in a stylish oblong format. This elongated rectangular format enriches the reading experience and ensures that Sabato continues to inspire, both in terms of content and advertising.

Sabato Summer
Sabato Knokke
Sabato Interior (Oblong format)
Sabato Fashion
Content supplements

Content Republic, the branded content division of Trustmedia, publishes branded content supplements throughout the year which tap into the interests of our readers.  These Sabato connect projects give you the opportunity to link your brand to the topics covered in Sabato to further consolidate your role as a thought leader.

  • Horloges | Montres: specific content supplement that puts luxury watches in the spotlight.
  • Real Estate with a View: a state-of-the-art supplement that focuses on seven exceptional real-estate projects.

Would you like to advertise through a classic display campaign, a multimedia proposition or a native advertising campaign? Contact us or visit the rates page. We will gladly help you with a tailor-made solution.